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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





博客:1171 篇


Hölick Sea Resort by Mats Edlund,

(2010-10-30 09:57)

October 28th, 2010

Holick Sea Resort by Mats Edlund and Henrietta Palmer

Stockholm architects Mats Edlund, Henrietta Palmer and Matts Ingman have designed this timber cabin as part of a camping site in Hudiksvall, Sweden.

Holick Sea Resort by Mats Edlund and Henrietta Palmer

Called Hölick Sea Resort, the site will have homes built of wood and glass using traditional Swedish methods.

22 houses are planned for the site in total, in two designs.

Hölick Sea Resort by Mats Edlund <br/>and Henrietta Palmer

Photographs are by Jacob Nordström.

The following information is from the architects:

Mats Edlund & Henrietta Palmer

Until today Hölick Sea Resort, located in a pine forest on the coast north of the Swedish city Hudiksvall, has been a traditional camping site.

Hölick Sea Resort by Mats Edlund and Henrietta Palmer

The proposal is a total concept of living, food, services and experiences – including nature, buildings, footpaths, bridges, lighting and signage – to achieve an over-all experience, while keeping a feeling of privacy.

Holick Sea Resort by Mats Edlund and Henrietta Palmer

By focusing on an exciting architecture in wood, inspired by the former tents on the camping, the client wishes to reach more affluent customers.

Holick Sea Resort by Mats Edlund and Henrietta Palmer

The area is planned for 22 houses of two different types; 80 and 90 m2, of which the bigger one has just been built.

Holick Sea Resort by Mats Edlund and Henrietta Palmer

The plan is to start construction of the second house type during winter 2011.

Holick Sea Resort by Mats Edlund and Henrietta Palmer

Both houses are built totally in wood, using the Gotlandic traditional faltak – a wooden roof – to achieve a homogeneous wood appearance. The interiors are light and spacious, and planned for an easy Swedish summer lifestyle for families and friends.

Matts Ingman

Holick Sea Resort by Mats Edlund and Henrietta Palmer

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