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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





博客:1171 篇


Elbphilharmonie by Herzog & de Meuron

(2010-10-29 08:41)

Yesterday saw the topping-out ceremony of Herzog & de Meuron’s philharmonic hall on the river Elbe in Hamburg.

Called Elbphilharmonie, the project involves installing the Swiss architects’ new glass structure atop a red brick warehouse built in 1963 by the late Hamburg architect Werner Kallmorgen.

The building will comprise three concert halls, a hotel, apartments, and a public square elevated 37 metres above the river.

Construction is due for completion in 2012.

Images © Herzog & de Meuron) unless stated otherwise.

Here’s some more information from the architects:

The Elbphilharmonie – a New Landmark for Hamburg

Roofing ceremony for a spectacular concert hall

During a Roofing ceremony, to take place on 28 and 29 May, Hamburg will present with the “Elbphilharmonie” (Elbe Philharmonic Hall) its new concert house to the public. More than 5000 guests will gain an insight into the making of this unique concert house. Designed by Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron, the magnificent building is to become Hamburg’s newest landmark.

The daring harmony of Kaispeicher A, this historic redbrick monument, and the cool, glass-bodied design will be Hamburg’s new architectural gem. Located right on the Elbe River, this 110 metres high building combines tradition and modernity. The building complex is constructed on approx. 1,700 reinforced concrete piles. It comprises three concert halls, one hotel, 45 flats and the Plaza, a public square elevated 37 metres above the river, with an amazing 360 degree panoramic view of the city.

At the core of the Elbphilharmonie lies one of Europe’s most challenging building projects: an acoustically superior concert hall that stands 50 metres above the river and provides seating for 2,150 people. With its unique location, the Elbphilharmonie Hall can be regarded as an unprecedented work of art. This magnificent building is not just a tourist attraction – it will also be a unique venue for classical music, jazz, pop and world music.

Above photograph is by Oliver Heissner

Even now, during construction, the Elbphilharmonie is attracting worldwide attention. Under the artistic direction of Christoph Lieben-Seutter, it aims at becoming one of the world’s finest music venues. The building is part of one of Europe’s largest urban development projects, HafenCity Hamburg, and can be considered an icon of this booming port city.

Above photograph is by Oliver Heissner

Moreover, it also portrays the public spirit of the Hamburg citizens: from among those €400 million construction costs, more than €77 million alone has been covered by donations and further revenues. After the Roofing ceremony, the work on this ambitious construction project will be further accelerated, so that the building will be accomplished by the year 2012.

Above photograph is by Oliver Heissner

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