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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





博客:1171 篇


Amington Youth Shelter by Sjölander da Cruz

(2010-10-25 08:45)

August 17th, 2010

Amington Youth Shelter by Sjolander da Cruz Architects

Sjölander da Cruz Architects of Birmingham have completed this shelter at a park on a former wasteland in Amington, UK.

Amington Youth Shelter by Sjölander da Cruz Architects

Designed as a meeting place for young people in the area, the structure was developed in a series of workshops with residents.

Amington Youth Shelter by Sjölander da Cruz Architects

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Amington Youth Shelter by Sjölander da Cruz Architects

Here are some more details from the architects:

Sjölander da Cruz Architects have recently completed a dynamic shelter for the young people of Amington near Tamworth UK.

This innovative design for youth shelter was developed in partnership with the local young people to act as a physical focus for the positive work that is taking place in Amington near Tamworth.

Amington Youth Shelter by Sjölander da Cruz Architects

The shelter is located at the centre of a previously disused area of wasteland that has been developed over a number of years to provide a habitat for wildlife and encourage rare species, acting as an education resource for the local young people and wider community.

Amington Youth Shelter by Sjölander da Cruz Architects

The design was developed over a series of workshops held on site and draws its inspiration from the leaves and trees that surround the shelter. The dynamic form is derived from that of a maple leaf that has been folded to create shelter, enclosure and seating and since its completion has become a landmark within the local community.

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