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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Movie by Spirit of Space: South Pond

(2010-10-25 08:40)


South Pond Pavilion by Studio Gang

Architectural filmmakers Spirit of Space have sent us this video of a pavilion situated in Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo, designed by US architects Studio Gang. 

Click on the symbol in the bottom right of the video player above to view the movie in full-screen HD.
Can’t see the movie? Click here.

The movie shows the construction of the bent-wood lattice structure, the installation of fibreglass shells to the top of the pavilion providing shelter and its various uses throughout day and night.

South Pond Pavilion by Studio Gang

Studio Gang Architects also designed the boardwalk surrounding the 19th century pond, improving the water quality and habitat for the local wildlife and creating an educational nature trail.

South Pond Pavilion by Studio Gang

The new pavilion is used as an outdoor classroom, for yoga sessions and other activities.

South Pond pavilion by Studio Gang

Here a little more from Studio Gang:

South Pond
Lincoln Park Zoo
Chicago, USA


The project transforms a picturesque urban pond from the 19th century into an ecological habitat buzzing with life.

South Pond pavilion by Studio Gang

With the design’s improvements to water quality, hydrology, landscape, accessibility, and shelter, the site is able to function as an outdoor classroom in which the co-existence of natural and urban surroundings is demonstrated.

South Pond Pavilion by Studio Gang

A new boardwalk circumscribing the pond passes through various educational zones that explicate the different animals, plants, and habitat found in each.

South Pond Pavilion by Studio Gang

A pavilion integrated into the boardwalk sequence provides shelter for open-air classrooms on the site.

South Pond Pavilion by Studio Gang

Inspired by the tortoise shell, its laminated structure consists of prefabricated, bent-wood members and a series of interconnected fiberglass pods that give global curvature to the surface.

South Pond Pavilion by Studio Gang

Architect: Studio Gang Architects
Owner: Lincoln Park Zoo
Status: Completed 2010

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