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O10 by Guillaume Delvigne

(2010-10-01 14:34)

O10 by Guillaume Delvigne

June 9th, 2010

O10 by Guillaume Delvigne

Paris designer Guillaume Delvigne has created a lamp with a single bulb dangling on the end of a flex, which is draped over a stand.

O10 by Guillaume Delvigne

Called O10, shape of the stand allows it to be balanced on the edge of a piece of furniture.

O10 by Guillaume Delvigne

Delvigne presents the project as part of an exhibition called Prospectives O10 with manufacturers Specimen and creative agency Terres Nuages at Designers Days, which opens in Paris today and continues until 14 June.

Photographs are by Gabriel de Vienne.

Here’s some more information from Specimen:

010 is a medical term meaning puerperium, which is the state of a woman who, having given birth is in the period following childbirth.

The 010 lamp designed by Guillaume Delvigne is a piece which is joining the realms of furnishing. The light is reduced to its simplest expression: brightness in space. In the background, the object takes shape in a single precise line. Snaking from one space to another, the electric flex draws the contours.

The first Specimen collection is on view from 9th to 14th June with exclusive pieces by Sylvain Rieu-Piquet, Constance Guisset, Guillaume Delvigne, Pierre Lota and Olivier Grégoire.

Bordering art and industrial produce, Specimen is a new design house in perpetual movement, the only mode which functions in its urgency to continually produce new pieces which do not adhere to the standard set of rules. No permanent showroom; no artistic restrictions; just one absolute rule: to offer limited edition pieces by up and coming designers who find it possible to freely assert their individuality with Specimen.

Personal, extraordinary, poetic and technically innovative, each piece is an example in itself. It is futile looking for a similarity or resemblance between each of them. Based on love at first sight and meeting with designers, this business venture between Tristan Pannier and Alaric Miaume makes any attempt at classification obsolete.

Specimen will meet collectors in France and abroad, in contemporary art fairs and design events promoting French design, creation and a certain state of mind which is equally ephemeral and irrepressible: youth and desire.

To celebrate its launch during Designers Days event in Paris, Specimen is proposing a special co-edition in partnership with Terres Nuages.

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