Rather belatedly, here are some photos of the New Stuff exhibition held at the Johnson Trading Gallery in New York late last year.
Top image: Fauteuil Chair by Aranda/Lasch. Above: Quasi Cabinet by Aranda/Lasch, wood, metal and lacquer.
Other exhibitors included Max Lamb, Harush Shlomo, David N. Ebner, Joseph Heidecker, Steven Holl Architects, Shay Alkalay and Peter Macapia / DORA. The exhibition was open 13-22 December 2007.
Above: Camouflage Screen by Aranda/Lasch, mirror-polished stainless steel.
Above: Fauteuil Chair by Aranda/Lasch, cardboard study.
Above: Four-legged Diamond Stool by Max Lamb, cast pewter.
Above: Three Legged Stool by Max Lamb, cast pewter.
Above: Black Poly Chair by Max Lamb, foam and rubberised paint.
Above: Transfusion by Harush Schlomo, sculpted aluminium.
Above: Definition of Density by Harush Shlomo, sculpted aluminium.
Above: Lingerie Chest by David N. Ebner, Honduras mahogany.
Above: Photographic Chest by Joseph Heidecker, photo collage, wood, lacquer.
Above: Pair of Yearbook side chairs and card table, photo collage, wood, lacquer.
Above: Riddled Cabinet by Steven Holl and Nick Gelpi, ableflex laminate with walnut veneer and aluminium.
Above: Stack universal drawer system by Shay Alkalay, wood.
Above: Triangulated structural mesh generated using computational fluid dynamic particles by Peter Macepia/DORA, SLS manufacture process, duraform PA material, fluid: honey.