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V&A at Dundee proposals unveiled

(2010-09-30 22:20)

V&A at Dundee proposals unveiled

September 28th, 2010

Victoria and Albert Museum Dundee

The Victoria and Albert Museum have announced the six proposals for a building to house the V&A on the Dundee waterfront in Scotland, including designs by Steven Holl Architects, Snøhetta and Delugan Meissl Associated Architects (above). 

Victoria and Albert Museum Dundee

Above: Steven Holl Architects. Click for larger image

Kengo Kuma & Associates, REX and Sutherland Hussey Architects were also invited to propose designs for the museum that aims to be the leading centre for design in Scotland.

Victoria and Albert Museum Dundee

Above: Kengo Kuma and Associates. Click for larger image

All six proposals are currently on show in the V&A at Dundee – Making it Happen exhibition at the University of Abertay Dundee library until 4 November. Admission is free.

Here are more details from V&A at Dundee:

V&A AT DUNDEE – designs unveiled


Six stunning designs for the V&A at Dundee project have been unveiled at an exhibition in the city.

The `V&A at Dundee – Making it Happen’ exhibition features work from the six shortlisted teams of world-class architects and designers who have put forward outstanding ideas for a landmark building that will house the V&A at Dundee and dominate Dundee’s waterfront.

Victoria and Albert Museum Dundee

Above: Snøhetta and Gareth Hoskins Architects. Click for larger image

Sir Mark Jones, Director of the Victoria & Albert Museum, expressed his excitement at the quality of the architects’ response to the brief by saying, “Fantastic designs from brilliant architects! Its great to see that the competition for the V&A at Dundee has attracted such a strong international response.”

“We have a range of designs that are very dynamic and exciting,” said Mike Galloway, Director of City Development for Dundee City Council, one of the partners in the V&A at Dundee project.

“Our shortlist features some of the brightest names in world architecture and design and I think they have shown with these designs why they are so highly rated. Our brief called for outstanding design to fit an outstanding location and I think the teams have lived up to that.”

Victoria and Albert Museum Dundee

Above: REX. Click for larger image

The V&A at Dundee will be Scotland’s leading centre for design. Remarkable design requires a remarkable home, and the public are invited to get involved with shaping this project by giving their views on the proposals.

“These are fantastic designs and we hope as many people as possible visit the exhibition and the website and express their opinions on the models and designs,” said Lesley Knox, Chair of Design Dundee Ltd, the company which has been established to drive the V&A at Dundee project forward, and Chair of the jury panel who will select the winning design team.

“I am sure people will see things they really love and some will also have opinions that go the other way. But the key thing is that they make their opinions known, as it will feed into the jury panel’s decision.”

Victoria and Albert Museum Dundee

Above: Sutherland Hussey Architects. Click for larger image

The exhibition is in the University of Abertay Dundee library in Bell Street, Dundee, from September 29th to November 4th. All are welcome to visit the exhibition and admission is free.

The V&A at Dundee is being delivered by Design Dundee Ltd, a ground-breaking partnership between the Victoria and Albert Museum – the world’s greatest museum of art and design – and the University of Dundee, the University of Abertay Dundee, Dundee City Council and Scottish Enterprise.

Victoria and Albert Museum Dundee

Above: Delugan Meissl Associated Architects. Click for larger image

The V&A at Dundee is looking to create a landmark building, which will be sited at Craig Harbour right on the banks of the River Tay. The site is being made available through the Dundee Central Waterfront Partnership, the joint venture between Dundee City Council and Scottish Enterprise which is revitalising the prime area of land linking the city centre with the River Tay.

Designers were invited to make proposals for a building that reflects the V&A at Dundee project partnership’s desire to stimulate commerce as well as local and visitor interest.

The V&A at Dundee will:

  • be a rich and inspiring resource for design and creativity.
  • attract visitors from Dundee, Scotland and further afield to world-class travelling and permanent exhibitions.
  • improve the attractiveness of Dundee and its region to business.

Opening hours for the exhibition will be: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 am to 9 pm

Wednesday 9 am to 5 pm

Saturday – Sunday 10 am to 5 pm


Delugan Meissl

The design team led by Delugan Meissl includes Wenzel+Wenzel (Germany), Werner Sobek (Germany) and Büro Kiefer (Germany).

Kengo Kuma

Kengo Kuma’s team for the V&A project includes cre8architecture (Scotland), ARUP (UK), Optimised Environments Ltd (Scotland) and CBA (Scotland).


The REX design team for the V&A project includes RMJM (Scotland), Arch Henderson (Scotland), Buro Happold (Scotland/USA), DCI (USA), DHV (Netherlands), Hargreaves Associates (USA), Lord Cultural Resources (USA), Magnusson Klemencic Associates (USA), Tillotson Design Associates (USA), Transsolar (Germany), Turner & Townsend (Scotland), Urban Splash Group (UK) and 2×4 (USA).


The Snøhetta multidisciplinary team for the V&A project includes Gareth Hoskins Architects (UK), Lord Cultural Resources (Canada), Davis Langdon (Scotland), Adams Kara Taylor (UK) and the BDSP Partnership (UK).

Steven Holl

The design team led by Steven Holl includes jmarchitects (Scotland), Guy Nordenson & Associates (USA), ARUP (Scotland), Thomas & Adamson (Scotland), Michael van Valkenburgh Associates (USA) and Transsolar Energietechnik (Germany).

Sutherland Hussey

The V&A design team led by Sutherland Hussey includes 3DReid Architects (Scotland), AECOM (Scotland), Morham & Brotchie (Scotland), Gross Max (Scotland) and KSLD (Scotland).

The jury panel which decided on the shortlist was:

Lesley Knox (Chair)
Mike Galloway
Graeme Hutton – Dean of the School of Architecture, University of Dundee
Moira Gemmill – Director of Projects & Design, V&A
Jill Farrell – Regional Operations Director, Scottish Enterprise
Professor Nicholas Terry – Vice-Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Abertay Dundee
Jim Eyre – Wilkinson Eyre Architects

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