设 计 师:Joseph N. Biondo
所 在 地:其他
Joseph N. Biondo联合国际知名的抽象派画家Ed Kerns,设计了这个理念性的建筑,用于展示Ed Kerns的画作。这个设计旨在运用平常的材料制造出全新的现实。设计师解释说,“我们运用的材料都很普通,但是将它们组合在一起的方式则不普通;用特殊的材料建造出不凡的结构没什么大不了,使人们感受简单材料的魅力才有诗意”。
Joseph N. Biondohas paired with internationally recognized abstract painter Ed Kerns to design a conceptual, unbuilt project that will house Kerns’ Bones Like Iron-Blood Like Mercury. This unique collaboration has resulted in an exploratory exercise of modest materials to create a renewed reality within the material condition of a building. “The materials we use are commonplace however, the care for their methods of assembly and absolute passion for scrupulous detailing are not… To make an extraordinary material special is trite, but to heighten one’s awareness of a humble material can be poetic,” explained Biondo.