[摘 要] 本文从基地环境出发,围绕学校这一特殊场所中建造办公建筑所必须解决的种种矛盾,从场地、体量和文化三个角度入手,通过提出问题、分析问题、解决问题三个步骤,验证了建筑师理性分析并解决矛盾的工作态度。
[关键词] 矛盾 场地流线 体量协调 文化融合
[Abstract] The paper shows that buildings should correspond with the environment. In the special setting of school, new building must try to solve certain contradictions. The architect tried to solve three aspects of contradictions, such as site traffic, cubage and culture, and showed the rational and precise attitude of architecture design.
[Key words] Contradiction, Site traffic, Cubage harmony, Culture syncretism.