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(2019-01-22 18:24)


售楼处 参赛 -- 作品 -- 2017 / 12 / 28 -- 设计师:李若愚+周玲玲



What are ‘growing’ in 138 degree park? 












Design background


138度的公园 - 苏州 - 万科公园大道销售中心。李若愚和他的团队希望给这个“公园”一个现代身份、一个颠覆的标签,希望设计颠覆空间传统的认知方式。

‘138 Degree Park’ is a unique name given to the work done by Li Ruoyu and his interior design team for Vanke Park Avenue Sales Center in Suzhou. Li and his team envisions a modern identity for this ‘Park’ that redefines and challenges the traditional perception of spaces. 




Design motivation


“现代气质的江南” —— 一切由“水”而来

‘Jiangnan with a modern temperament’ - everything originates from ‘water’


“扬州驿里梦苏州,梦到花桥水阁头。” 每当想起姑苏城外的风景,总是联想到那河畔边的青砖黛瓦,花木扶苏,简朴楼淡墨色的天空与一座座参差的石拱小桥晕染在一起,轻轻荡漾着泛着丝丝涟漪。姑苏城除了古典园林的别致风景,人文气韵也可谓是得天独厚,小桥流水绵延流长而传承下来的当代设计,自然也颇具江南的水韵气质。


Ancient Chinese poetry often depict Suzhou as a picturesque Eden composed by a symphony of shimmering waterways, sculptured bridges and beautiful attics. Yet it is hard to appreciate the true beauty of these sceneries without recognizing the cultural heritage and literatus of Suzhou. Thus it is only natural to carry out any contemporary design in this renowned water town with an inheritance of classic elements and temperament.




138度菱形 —— 组合,连接,拔高,折叠,翻转,扭拧 ……的方式中“生长”,就像有机生命体成长道路上的各种挫折际遇 —— 在设计师参数化的计算中 —— 138度的菱形演绎“万物生长”的公园。

The 138 degree diamonds ‘grow’ through ways of synergy, connection, raising, folding, over-turning, and twisting… mimicking the organic growth of living organisms where countless setbacks and opportunities converge as they grow. Using parametric design method, the designers were able to simulate a thriving scene of organic growth using those unique 138 degree diamonds. 





In consistency with the architectural language of moving "water", the 138 degree diamonds combine the classic geometry and modern lineworks with a seamless synergy that forms a surreal new look. Just like the falling leaves in autumn, the diamonds shimmer under a bath of sun rays, creating a modern version of “Suzhou-Jiangnan style scenery”. As people wandered down the landscaped boulevard, a strange resonance is established between the space and people’s emotion. In the eyes of Chief Designer Ruoyu, Vanke's "landscape first" concept is a natural response that integrated the poetic Jiangnan philosophies, in which he has unreservedably extended to the interior landscape design.




Project development 


生长篇 ——“生长”让“公园”耳目一新

Chapter I: Growth –‘growth’ refreshes the ‘park’






The designers use the quadrant principle of xyz axis to define the ‘growths’ of the diamonds with various functions that set within the 4m-8m physical axial boundary. A ‘brocade’ of black, grey and white shades are generated from these cascades mimicking the natural texture of shimmering water waves. The ‘growing Diamonds’ then materialize into: the front desk, model showcase area, negotiation area, landscape pool, florist, children’s playground, stair, air gallery, plant wall, partition wall, background wall, and the tassel... all of which set a distinctive rhythm to the architectural space. The uniform modern decorative language not only reconstructed the cultural characteristics of Jiangnan calligraphic painting, but also ensured the functional needs of various sites, making the space more dynamic but orderly. While creating a theme IP for the park, the design also provides a way of thinking for the future of micro Park design in an urban environment.



漂浮篇 --- “漂浮”给“公园”勃勃生机 

Chapter II: Floating –‘floating’ breath lives into the ‘park’


四米高空中的“公园大道”是一条空中走廊 ,贯穿二层两侧的2个样板房展厅。长廊中部一个贯穿吧台的旋转楼梯,一个连接儿童游乐区的滑梯。

悬浮的异形长廊,突兀的天花,黑池秀竹..... 独特的空间感受,似曾相识又突兀陌生。




The 4 meter high “Park avenue” is a sky walk corridor that runs through 2 showrooms on the second floor.  

In the middle of corridor, there is a spiral stair running through the bar and a slide connecting to the children’s playground. 

The uniquely-shaped floating corridor, the awe-inspiring ceiling, black pond and delicate bamboos…together create a one of a kind spatial experience that feels familiar yet strange


While the use of wood, stone and tiles constructed a contemporary interpretation of the Jiangnan aesthetic, the abstract polylines became an artistic inspiration in motion. This translation from form to skin and throughout the texture, from points to lines, and then extended to surfaces, completes the infinite continuation of the "brocade" language from two-dimensional space to three-dimensional space, creating a reminiscences of the picturesque Suzhou traditional roof line.




Elegant cherry wood, indigo water brocade, every part of the space has its own distinctive character. Ruoyu and his design team mix and matched different materials, colors and patterns in the design to create surprising elements wherever they can. This may not be the design that pleases everyone, but it is indeed a bold and novel approach that stand out differently. The overall space aims to reimagine the natural landscape and urban context of Suzhou, creating a ‘viewable’, ‘excursive’, and ‘admirable’ modern landscape painting.




Philosophical art device: 

千万片菱形亚克力 —— 诗歌一般错落在空中。设计师借用影像把风声、雨声,叶子在风中的婆娑声投射在这万千的碎片上,万千的图像 就象我们万千的世界, 如同世外桃源般让人心往钦羡。诗意悠悠,意犹未尽。不是每个人都能避开红尘,但我们终究都能找到一条路径回归自然与本心。但只要懂得唯极智,就能够方尽美。


Thousands of diamond-shaped acrylics – poetically scattered in the air. 

The designers using video and imagery to project the sound of wind, rain and whirling leaves onto those thousands of fragmented diamonds. Just like looking through a kaleidoscope into our spectacular world…It makes people yearn for the poetic paradise of Shangri-la. It may not be easy to escape from the world, but we can eventually find a path to return to nature and our heart, and we will finally reach the acme of perfection.









在设计师眼里 - 空间是一种诗意的哲学。李若愚和他的团队在哲学+科学的维度上,试图营造一种空间与人的 - 陌生共鸣的可能性。用138度的菱形 “生长”出一个现代版的江南公园。

From the perspective of the designers - space is a poetic philosophy. 

Li Ruoyu and his team attempt to create a possibility of strange resonance between space and man through philosophical and scientific approach. 

Use the 138 degree diamonds to “grow” a modern Jiangnan park. 


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