Recently, The Architecture MasterPrize's 2018 winners were announced. The design project of HHD(HONGKONG EAST HOLIDAY INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONSULTANTS LIMITED · SHENZHEN EAST HOLIDAY INTERIOR DESIGN LIMITED), Hangzhou Bay Wetland Platinum Hotel and Wuhan K11 Art Mall won the interior design category Winner and Honorable Mention respectively.
近日,AMP美国建筑大师奖 2018年度获奖名单公布,HHD香港假日东方国际设计顾问机构·深圳假日东方国际设计有限公司的设计项目——杭州湾湿地铂瑞酒店与武汉K11购物艺术中心分别斩获室内设计类别Winner与Honorable Mention奖项。
▲About AMP▼
" The best state of architecture and design is to embrace technology and let the mind wander. It is innovation, breakthrough, the use of technology and materials to achieve the most impossible things; It is to create a unique form, structure and space that allows the soul to roam, humanity to shine and the heart to be touched."
—— Architecture MasterPrize
“ 建筑和设计的最佳状态是拥抱科技,让思维天马行空。它是创新、突破,是运用科技和材料去实现最不可能的事;是创造独有的形态、结构和空间,让灵魂遨游,让人性闪耀,让心灵深处受到触动。”
The Architecture MasterPrize?(formerly AAP) is one of the most renowned architectural prizes in the industry globally and a new benchmark for global architecture and design. AMP celebrates creativity and innovation in the fields of architectural design, landscape architecture, and interior design, exposes great designers and highlights the contribution of architectural art and science to the value of our daily lives.
Architecture MasterPrize?(美国建筑大师奖)前身为AAP美国建筑奖,是最具权威的世界级建筑奖项之一,为全球建筑和设计行业树立新的标杆。AMP旨在表彰全球最优秀、最具创意的建筑、室内和景观项目,展现和宣传杰出的设计人才,并突出建筑艺术及科学对于丰富我们日常生活的意义。
HHD Award-winning work - Hangzhou Bay Wetland Platinum Hotel
This jury of AMP consists of academics from Harvard, Yale, Princeton among other institutions, respected media like dezeen and designboom and eminent designers in the industry. They selected from architecture, landscape and interior designs the most creative, industry-inspiring and life-disruptive works. The design project of HHD(HONGKONG EAST HOLIDAY INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONSULTANTS LIMITED·SHENZHEN EAST HOLIDAY INTERIOR DESIGN LIMITED), Hangzhou Bay Wetland Platinum Hotel and Wuhan K11 Art Mall stand out from entries from 68 countries and regions around the world and won the interior design category Winner and Honorable Mention respectively.
本届美国建筑大师奖评审团由哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学等高等院校学者,dezeen、designboom等业内权威媒体及行业著名设计师等组成,评选出最有创意、推动行业发展且改善人们生活品质的建筑、景观、室内作品。HHD香港假日东方国际设计顾问机构·深圳假日东方国际设计有限公司的设计项目——杭州湾湿地铂瑞酒店(Hangzhou Bay WetlandPlatinum Hotel)与武汉K11购物艺术中心(Wuhan K11 Art Mall )从来自全球68个国家和地区的参赛作品中脱颖而出,分别荣获室内设计类别Winner与Honorable Mention奖项。
Hangzhou Bay WetlandPlatinum Hotel
Hangzhou Bay Wetland Platinum Hotel designed by HHD(HONGKONG EAST HOLIDAY INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONSULTANTS LIMITED·SHENZHEN EAST HOLIDAY INTERIOR DESIGN LIMITED is an eco-friendly work designed buildings into bird habitats.The hotel adopts a green ecological design concept and integrates nature landscape to create an environmentally friendly “bird dock” theme hotel group.
The design should be symbiotic with the ecology. Therefore, in the design of Hangzhou Bay Wetland Platinum Hotel, in order to protect the living environment of birds, the hotel is built with natural materials such as wood and soil, even the building roof is built with original materials such as brown grass, which is a perfect place for birds to naturally inhabit. Here, we have designed a freedom and nature place that people and birds can coexist from architecture to interior design. Zhongxuan Hong,the chief designer of HHD, has brought the artistic elements of “Bird House” in interior design to the fullest, creating a new level of art and human philosophy.
Wuhan K11 Art Mall
The story begins at the train station, where a group of expectant travelers who with the same hobby live a leisure and slow life are gathered in the railway station. The coffee culture has grown from this climate and became a Coffee Museum.
HHD HONGKONG EAST HOLIDAY INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONSULTANTS LIMITED carry out the design philosophy : "the design of situational experiece space with expression, warm and story", and it created a station type coffee theme space which is full of the flavor of street culture.
HHD香港假日东方国际设计顾问机构·深圳假日东方国际设计有限公司除获“The Architecture MasterPrize”(美国建筑大师奖)外。同时,在亚太地区,HHD国际设计作品杭州湾湿地铂瑞酒店项目也荣获了2018年度APDC亚太室内设计精英邀请赛的最高荣誉“金奖”。11月20日晚,APDC亚太设计中心在上海宝丽嘉酒店举办颁奖晚宴,HHD深圳市假日东方室内设计有限公司设计院执行院长黎志刚(Leon)出席领奖。数百位来自亚太地区乃至全球设计师汇聚一堂,携手促进中外设计深入交流和互动,共同推动社会和经济的可持续发展。