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“旋涡” – 公共艺术装置

(2017-06-02 11:30)

作为公共艺术基金会的40周年纪念展,设计师Anish Kapoor最引人注目的作品“旋涡”于2017年5月第一次在纽约展出。这件艺术品被放置在布鲁克林大桥公园,其特殊材料展现的巨大的旋涡状漏斗,与相邻的东河形成强烈对比。Anish Kapoor作为这一代最有影响力的艺术家之一,将毕生精力投入到对空间的感知研究中,其最著名的作品都来自于他的公共艺术品。设计师上一组艺术品“天空之境”,一个直径35英尺的凹镜,由公共艺术基金会于2006年展出于洛克菲罗中心。此次的“旋涡”作品创造了消极动态的地面下降空间,打破了我们熟悉的对边界的感知。装置位于纽约公园的中心地带,Anish Kapoor以这种非一般的形式激发我们纯粹的自然感知。此作品于2017年5月展出于布鲁克林大桥公园。

February 16, 2017, New York, NY – In May of 2017 as part of its 40th Anniversary season, Public Art Fund brings Descension, one of Anish Kapoor’s most viscerally arresting installations, to New York City for the first time. Sited at Pier 1 in Brooklyn Bridge Park, this massive, continuously spiraling funnel of water will harness one of the most evanescent of materials and create a striking contrast with the adjacent East River. Anish Kapoor, among the most influential artists of his generation, has had a career-long engagement with space and the limits of perception. Perhaps best known for his iconic public artworks, his last major outdoor sculpture in New York City was Public Art Fund’s presentation of Sky Mirror, his 35-foot-diameter concave mirror at Rockefeller Center in 2006. With Descension, he has created a dynamic negative space that descends into the ground, disturbing the familiar boundaries of our world. In the midst of a quintessential New York park, Kapoor invites us to experience the sheer perceptual wonder of an ordinary material like water made to behave in an extraordinary way. Anish Kapoor: Descension will be on view May 3 – September 10, 2017 at Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 1. 

“在我们庆祝纽约公共艺术活动40周年之际,有必要强调这些贡献于公共艺术并将之广泛传播的艺术家和艺术展览。我们非常确信,Anish的最新作品必将成为周年纪念的最大亮点。”公共艺术基金会的执行官及负责人Curator Nicholas Baume如是说。

“As we celebrate 40 years of bringing remarkable public art to New York City, it’s important to recognize those artists and exhibitions that have shaped the discourse and been so memorable to our broad public audience. We’re thrilled that Anish’s newest work will be a highlight of this anniversary season, more than a decade after his outdoor debut with us,” said Public Art Fund Director and Chief Curator Nicholas Baume. 

自1990中期以来,Kapoor 已经通过创造有透视感的,消失在墙壁或地板上的,或以某种方式破坏对物理世界假设的各种作品来探索空洞的概念。“旋涡”实现了艺术家一直以来的愿望,即创造一个有能量的,不断运行的消极空间。被栏杆包围的水池直径26英尺,它将观察者的好奇心紧紧抓住。Kapoor将材料和物体固有物质转换,并试图以这种方式模糊自然,景观和艺术之间的界限,让我们有不同的感知体验。

Since the mid-1990s, Kapoor has explored the notion of the void by creating works that seem to recede into the distance, disappear into walls or floors, or otherwise destabilize assumptions about the physical world. Descension realizes a long-held aspiration of the artist to create a negative space alive with energy, continuously in process. 26-feet in diameter , the whirling pool will be surrounded by a railing, inviting audiences to peer into its depths. Through this transformation of properties inherent to materials and objects, Kapoor blurs the boundaries between nature, landscape, and art, allowing us to perceive space differently. 

“Anish Kapoor还提醒了我们会出现的一些偶然事件,即感觉会不可避免的欺骗我们。通过这个作品,设计师创造了一个积极的对象,与我们对世界的感知和体验产生共鸣,”Baume说道。“因此,Kapoor更感兴趣于我们所不了解的而不是我们所做的,并认识到对物体感知限制了人类的想象力。

“Anish Kapoor reminds us of the contingency of appearances: our senses inevitably deceive us. With Descension, he creates an active object that resonates with changes in our understanding and experience of the world,” said Baume. “In this way, Kapoor is interested in what we don’t know rather than in what we do, understanding that the limit of perception is also the threshold of human imagination.” 


First envisioned as a smaller, interior work for India’s Kochi-Muziris biennale (2014-15), Descension was later re-imagined as a large-scale outdoor piece for Kapoor’s solo exhibition at Versailles (2015). This will be the first time the artist brings Descension to North America, giving visitors a unique chance to experience one of Kapoor’s most innovative new works. 



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