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Valkenberg 庄园中的住宅,荷兰

(2017-06-02 11:26)



The house is part of the estate Valkenberg and therefore takes a position in the tradition of heirs and estates in Twente. The house absorbs the length, the views and the seclusion – recognizable characteristics of the bocage – in itself. The size of the rooms, the light, the use of materials and the orientation ensure that the prospect of the bocage is constantly changing when moving through the house. The length of the entrance is communicating with the existing hedgerows. The new sheltered environment of the bocage is to experience in the open, central kitchen. The panorama of the ash is to celebrate in the privacy of the living room. The landscape is appearing in the villa in multiple guises.

▼建筑外观,appearance of the building ©KIM ZWARTS


Daily space


The client had a dairy farm. The family had lived in this place for ages. The whole landscape is a result of their daily history. We have tried to make the landscape the origin of the house. In this way their everyday rituals that take place outside can pass directly into the family rituals that take place inside the house. We have done this by creating spaces that ensure that the perspective is constantly changing because of their seize, illumination, function, materials and orientation. The architecture has to receive the resident. The home has to enable him to experience the space and to live his everyday live here. It should not constantly ‘talk’ with him.

▼区位,the site


From dirt road to dining table

通过一条土路,两排老桦树掩映的车道将客人引入建筑的门廊。道路沿着一侧厚厚的砂石墙壁缓缓下降,随着离建筑的距离越来越近,光线越来越暗,人们渐渐失去和景观的连接。经过厚重的橡木门,会进入一个 9 米高的空间,光线由一扇大的落地窗引入。空间中央水平的长桌用于与家人分享,享受着周围环绕的自然景观,这里是整个建筑中最重要的空间,是这个家庭每天早晚聚集在一起的空间。

Through a sandy path, the resident enters the driveway at an old birch, Here, he can overlook the first private bocage.Along the thick Bentheim sandstone walls, he descends – thanks to the relief of the landscape. It gets darker and the resident loses his direct connection with the landscape. Behind the heavy, made of oak, front door, he enters a nine-meter-high space. The large windows let the light enter along the six-meter-high Bentheim sandstone wall in the entrance hall. Right in front of him there is the dining table in a horizontal space that is embraced by the panoramic hedgerows. This is the most important place in the house. It’s the space in which the family gets together every morning and every evening.

▼通向建筑的道路,the sandy path leads to the building ©KIM ZWARTS

▼厚重的橡木门,the heavy oak front door ©KIM ZWARTS


From stairs to bed

通过巨大的入口大厅,来到楼上 – 在这个空间中不能以景观为导向。在楼梯的顶部的左手边是图书室,可以看到入口的车道。右边是客厅,会看到自然景观。走廊尽头是主卧室,一个 6 x 6 x 6 米的空间。居住于此的居民可以欣赏到各个季节的景色。

Through the monumental entrance hall, the resident can go upstairs – here you cannot orientated on the landscape. At the top of the stairs he’ll find the library on his left hand, with a view of the driveway. On his right there is the living room, around a second fireplace with a view on the ash towards Germany. At the end of the route there is the master bedroom which has a ratio of 6 x 6 x 6 meters. Here the resident wakes up with a view of all seasons.

▼餐厅,dining area ©KIM ZWARTS

▼由楼梯进入二层,the staircase leads to the upper floor ©KIM ZWARTS


Made of local materials

建筑师使用了当地天然的材料来建造这幢房子,包括在进入设计阶段之前业主就已经购买的砂石和一栋旧房子中的材料。这些都成为了建造建筑的材料。Dinkelland 附近美丽的谷仓由未经处理的橡木制成,这种材料在该地区十分常见。

We find it very important that the materials – if possible – come from naturally grown, raw materials. Prior to the design, the family bought some sandstones of an old, demolished house. This had to be the basis for their home. The beautiful barns near Dinkelland are made from untreated oak, a material that can be found superfluous in this area.

▼建筑二层,the upper floor ©KIM ZWARTS




The carpenter assembled the oak structure in two days. All of the columns and bars are connected by dovetail joints. Every cut, every nick, every connection was already in the right bar, on the exact right place. The frames are made of untreated, laminated oak. The entire interior is made of solid oak. With the bricklayer we selected the heavy sandstones carefully to designate specific places. The appearance of the stone differs by its orientation to the sun and it transforms with the seasons.

▼建筑的橡木结构,the frames are made of untreated, laminated oak ©KIM ZWARTS




The concrete basement is surrounded by Bentheim sandstone. On top of the sandstone are the sand-coloured concrete prefab-elements with a concrete construction floor. This plate has an overhang of six meters in the area of the kitchen. On top of this there is the oak structure. The tectonics of the wood construction explains the space. Like in Japanese architecture the structure is filled with different materials depending on the function of the space. This has caused a rich variety within the structure that defines scale, location and relationships.


Geometric ordering principles


A thick wall intersects the landscape. The hunting room is formed by that wall and embraces the room. This ends up in the two fireplaces downstairs and upstairs. The plate above is divided into a series of squares that are visible in the concrete elements, square spaces, the oak ceiling and the light points.







Sustainability through age
The first place the family took us for some inspiration was the six centuries old Katharine Church of the castle in Bentheim. A very sacred and simple space made of sandstone and oak, with a beautiful light.

Sustainability through reuse
Prior to the design, the client bought some sandstones of an old demolished house. This had to become the basis for the new house. Oak trees are found in abundance on the estate. The wood for the house comes from trees that are felled and laid out to dry in front of the house by the family.

Sustainability by reducing energy consumption
A thermal storage system, a septic tank and heating by wood-burning stoves will contribute to a more energy efficient home.

Sustainability through ecological landscape development
The estate will contribute to the development of a new Ecological Network (Ecologische Hoofdstructuur, EHS). Hedgerows, heather, thickets, amphibian ponds and brooks have been re-designed. All of the land is maintained within the EHS by grazing, mowing, fertilizing, pruning and reduced use of chemical pesticides. A herd of deer is living on the estate. Next to the house there is a stream valley, dug by the client. By the tracks of the hooves you could see that the deer used the small river as drinking places.



▼首层平面,ground floor plan

▼上层平面,upper floor plan

Location: Twente
Client: Private
Manufacturer: Breed
Contractor: Saterslo bouw
Team: Ard de Vries, Will Stokkermans, Francesco Visco

Photographer: KIM ZWARTS

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