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As studies have proved that beauty and health-care

(2009-05-04 15:56)
标签:guangzhou massage 
As studies have proved that beauty and health-care guangzhou massage.
not only beautify the appearance of the functions of the skin and more massage guangzhou importantly, the adjustment function of human internal organs, improve the skin's breathing is conducive to the secretion of sweat glands and sebaceous glands, promote metabolism, enhance muscle flexibility, improve skin tone to reduce the fat accumulation, skin blood flow to ensure smooth, ruddy complexion is to stretch the middle-aged small wrinkles, and prevent the appearance of senile plaques. Pre-massage: First of all, to cut nails, face wash hands with warm water. Can be conditional to the friction face painted cream, beauty cream, such as Oil & Ulan or, better. Its massage dimfjfdnk8 procedures are as follows: 1, from Yintang points to push to the temple, and then from the central forehead push by Yang to the white hair at a time when, after pushing Yintang straight to the tribunal of God, before the hairline along the first dimension by pushing down points preauricular cheek by car to each line up 9 points; 2, along the line to do the above three times the thumb rubbing method and the focus of the operation points, the last under the pull earlobe, to the3, the thumb points in the sun by the , index finger up and down nine eyes; 4, with the index massage guangzhou finger points to start out from the eye along the nose on both sides by Hong Ying, giant (Polygonum bone liao: between Beck) points up, to rub ears ago, up from both sides of the nose Yintang pushed; 5, by the people pushed to the sides of points, and then from the mouth (to warehouses) to push both sides of the points, the last from both sides of the sub-contractors to push the pulp. 1 - 5 Act II of Hand-Shaoyang coke can by the hand through the large intestine Yangming, Shaoyang bile by foot, Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming Meridian and so active, running to speed up the blood, promoting metabolism, stretch the skin to combat wrinkles purposes. 6, point rubbing smart for weeping, four white, Ying Xiang, listening Palace, Giant (Polygonum bone liao: Beck), the big welcome to freckle prevention and treatment, 7, the thumb points in the side clearance head of the reactive mention the gods; 8,Zusanli a minute, this point will enable the facial fever, skin hyperemia, the promotion of pigment changes in the original red spots shallow, showing the vitality of youth; 9 hands so dry wash action, repeated operation, conscious facial fever massage guangzhou clear-headed until the spirit of readily; final wipe with a towel face powder and beauty cream.
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