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(2017-05-04 10:30)










                                   What is Neo-Chinese Style?



Neo-Chinese Style: innovative, Chinese style. To this day, what is the innovative Chinese style is worth thinking and discussing. Now here are my thoughts of it. Regard it as preface of the book.

The second decade of 21 century has gone half. Neo-Chinese Style of today shall be distinct from the past.

First, in-depth reflection of Chinese architecture spirit and strength shall replace simple imitation of timed appearance of architecture. For instance, deconstruct and reconstruct the light, space rhythm, emotion of traditional architecture, therefore, to carry on this humanity spirit and emotion. The brilliance of traditional Chinese architecture and interior is the result of comprehensive integration, rather than simply the beam, column and window pattern. Reproducing these elements is no difference than putting makeup on the face, leaving an empty inside. It will not become the mainstream of future design. What’s been left from thousands of year’s history is never simple.  

Second, build up new space experiences out of respect and study on traditional material and techniques etc. Then these experiences are close to emotions and humanity, not a superficial decoration. Material is another aspect of space texture. Authenticity is stressed in traditional material usage. Techniques shall be authentic as well, which in modern context brings about a new significance of being green and renewable. How to comb through and deal with traditional material and techniques in modern design concept context is the foundation of reinterpretation of traditions. 

Third, neo-Chinese style emphasizes on emotion and spirit expression, which generates from the presence of designers’ emotion when facing the space. Designer shows real emotion, so does the space. On the other hand, designer being pretentious and dishonest decides the emptiness and dullness of the space. The sincerity of designer is essential. Ideas burst out of him/her being sincere and non-commercial, the impulse and instinct, give sincerity to the space.  

Forth, traditional literature, such as Song Ci, Yuan Qu, religion theory, Song Yuan painting theory etc, will have bigger impact on new Chinese style. This type of impact is the revealing of true deeper sentiments. In future, designers’ literature quality, in other words cultural quality, decides the spirit and strength of the space. Though currently we are packed with space designers, how many of them carry the traditional Chinese spirit and quality? Culture comes before design. But reviewing the existed Chinese style design, most are driven by occupational and survival needs. Unsurprisingly, they are dull and tasteless.  

My project Guyuan Specious Feeling and Bitter Bamboo Room are both done under such circumstances. They are the attempt, or grope, of a blind walker, the result of innocence. Nothing worth to be admired or discussed. But I do believe in its future. “Neo-Chinese style” is to stand in Guyuan and look back on the past, therefore, to form a specious expression of tradition. Respect the old civil construction; respect the spirit in each bone of the tradition. That’s the urgency for designers of our time.

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