類型/ 小坪數
風格/ 現代簡約
區域/ 北部
坪數/ 35 坪
空間格局/ 客廳、餐廳、琴室、廚房、主臥房、次主臥房、小孩房
主要建材/ 雪白銀狐、鋼刷橡木、灰鏡、訂製鐵件、進口壁布、原木及皮件家具
In this case, natural grains and stones coordinated with black coating glass apply. The lively jumping
keys on the wall make the sight extend naturally to the Musician the copper sculpture in the timber
cabinet, shaping subtly the mood of art in the interior.
The open piano practical zone works as the indirect partition. After purification of mind, the sights that stay on purpose express a dancing harmony against the lines (axles) that intercross. A fine concerto is on the war and a fine melody full of pleasant notes floats in the air of art and music.