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人物 | 2014年普利茨奖获得者Shigeru Ban(坂茂)访谈

(2014-09-15 09:19)

Shigeru Ban is a Japanese and international architect, most famous for his innovative work with paper, particularly recycled cardboard tubes used to quickly and efficiently house disaster victims. He was profiled by Time magazine in their projection of 21st century innovators in the field of architecture and design.

坂茂(Shigeru Ban),日本和国际建筑师,以纸的创新性应用而著名,特别是快速高效的运用于灾区受难者安置房的可循环纸板管。美国《时代杂志》把坂茂描绘成“21世纪建筑设计领域的创新倡导者。”



Last week we had the opportunity to interview this year’s Pritzker Prize winner, Shigeru Ban,within his MetalShutters Houses in New York City. The Japanese architect, whowas a member of the Pritzker jury from 2006-2009, gave us his thoughtful,humble response to receiving architecture’s most prestigious prize, saying thewin is an “encouragement for me to continue working to make great architectureas well as working in disaster areas.”

上周(2014/03/25)我们(ArchDaily)有机会采访了2014年度普利茨奖获得者坂茂先生,访问在他位于纽约市的Metal Shutters Houses事务所进行。坂茂,日本著名建筑设计师、2006-2009普利茨奖评审团成员之一,在采访中对获得建筑界的最高荣誉“普利茨奖”给了我们深刻的、谦逊的的回答,“获奖是对我的一种鼓励,继续努力创造更好的建筑,同时继续工作在灾区。”


When we asked him how he remains so committed tohumanitarian efforts, balancing them with his other commissions, he explained:“I also like to make monuments because monuments can be wonderful treasures forthe city, but also I knew many people were suffering after the naturaldisasters, and the government provided them very poor evacuation facilities andtemporary housing. I believe I can make them better.”



Read the entire interview transcript, in which Bandiscusses his innovative use of materials and gives us a few anecdotes aboutstudying in the US, after the break.



Shigeru Ban: I’m ShigeruBan, I’m the founder of Shigeru Ban Architects. Now, I have offices in Tokyo,Paris, and New York. Also I’m the founder of an NGO, Voluntary ArchitectsNetwork, working in disaster areas. Architecture is my life. And also somethingI enjoy the most.

坂茂:大家好,我是坂茂,Shigeru Ban Architects事务所的创始人,现在在东京、巴黎和纽约都有办公室。我也是非政府组织Voluntary Architects Network的创立人,致力于灾区重建工作。


ArchDaily:How do you see your role as an architect?


SB: When I was younger, when I was a student, no one was talking aboutworking in a disaster area. I was quite disappointed when I became anarchitect, because mostly we are working for privileged people who have moneyand power and we are hired to visualize their power and money with monumentalarchitecture. I also like to make monuments because monuments can be wonderfultreasures for the city, but also I knew many people were suffering after the naturaldisasters, and the government provided them very poor evacuation facilities andtemporary housing. I believe I can make them better. That’s really an importantrole for myself: to continue working in disaster areas.




ArchDaily: Howdid your interest in materials emerge?


SB: Actually, I don’t like to be influenced by the fashionable style ofthe day. Always, in architecture, there are many styles that are fashionable orvery popular, but I like architects like Frei Otto or Buckminster Fuller, whomade their own styles. So when I made the paper/cardboard tube, it was quitestrong, so I thought it could be a structural material. People normally thinkdeveloping something new is more high tech, but even using raw material, humblematerial, the existing material around us, can be used as a structure–givingthem more meaning and more function. So what I’m doing is not really inventingsomething new, i’m just using existing material around us as part of thebuilding structure.



ArchDaily: Doyou approach your pro-bono work the same way you approach your othercommissions?


SB: There is no difference working for a normal building commission orthe disaster relief projects I do as pro-bono. The only difference is if I’mpaid the fee or not. For me, it’s the same. Business-wise, it’s quitedifficult, actually. I spend lots of time on these pro-bono projects, but myfirst instruction is the same–building with a fee or not. And also, my partnersare doing my projects together, so i can spend my on time on pro-bono projects,which is a very important role for me as an architect.



ArchDaily: Whatwas your experience as an architecture student?


SB: After I finished high school I came to the US without speakingEnglish. When I was in high school I wanted to go to Cooper Union. There was aJapanese magazine called A+U and in 1975 they had a special issue about JohnHedjuk and Cooper Union, which made me want to come to the US. Nobody knewabout Cooper Union, so I had to come to the US but they didn’t accept foreignstudents. So I started first at Sci Arc and then I transferred to Cooper Union.I was very lucky as a result. I experienced both very unusual schools– Sci Arcin the West Coast and Cooper in the East Coast. They are both very unusualschools with very strong leaders. I experienced both extremes in the West Coastand the East Coast. I had a special education with very good professors.



ArchDaily: Whatinspires you?


SB: I’m always amazed by the craft of the local people, wherever I go.Local craft and local materials impress me–to think about in design. Now,working in the Philipines after the earthquake and typhoon, still local peoplelive in traditional houses with bamboo. Bamboo is used for structure andscreens. I know that bamboo is such a difficult material to use as a structureby meeting the building regulation. But still there are many local, vernaculartechnologies used in the Philipines, so I tried to combine the paper tube,which is locally available, with a bamboo screen to design a temporary shelterfor the victims of the typhoon.



ArchDaily: Howdo you feel about winning the Pritzker Prize?


SB: It’s such an honor, but I don’t know how to understand the situationyet. Because I feel it’s too early for me, because I have not achieved acertain level as an architect yet. So I’m taking this as a kind ofencouragement for me to continue working to make great architecture as well asworking in disaster areas. Also, I’d like to continue teaching. Education is avery important part of my activities. Even now, I don’t know the meaning ofreceiving this award yet, all I can tell you is that I don’t want to bechanged. I just want to keep doing the same thing.






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