昨天到开发商那边办点事,等人之际,闲来无聊,随手翻看摆在桌面上的一本书,不看还好,一看便爱不释手,把正事都给忘记了,将那本书看完。那是一本关于设计师jamie durie的作品集,本人才疏学浅,之前对他一无所知,书中全部是英文原本,只能看看作品图片,通过图片就足以让我心生敬意。
中国讲求九曲十环,天人合一,居住环境与自然环境相融合。这种理念在jamie durie的手中,发挥的淋漓尽致。在他其中的一部关于居住空间的园林设计中,周围草木呼应,一座供人休息极具现代元素的亭子架设在树木之间,曲折的木制桥面下就是涔涔的流水,这种场景是如此的熟悉。
我的英文水平有限,通过神奇的Google翻译大概了解到这是jamie durie萨洛勃雷高尔夫温泉度假村的案例!
jamie durie是一位杰出的园林景观设计师,通过我有限的英文水平,介绍大概如下:
Eleven pools and hundreds of private courtyards make this Spanish island resort one of my proudest achievements. The philosophy of this 5 star resort was to create a harmonious balance between the resort and its highly arid surrounding environment. The plant selection emphasised this with mature cacti and succulents used extensively throughout the landscape and daybeds, to catch the ocean views, were inter-planted with 600-year-old olive trees from an old farm in Madrid. Water is an all-pervading presence within this landscape, with the dramatic wet edge pools subtly linking the desert with the endless views of the sea.