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博客:62 篇


《艺术十讲》节选 约翰-罗斯金

(2008-10-24 22:45)

lectures on Architecture and painting

 I think myself peculiarly happy in being permitted to address the citizens of Edinburgh on the subject of architecturefor it is one whichthey cannot but feelinterests them nearlyOf all the cities in the British IslandsEdinburgh is the one which presents most advantages for the display of a noble buildingand whichon the other handsustains most injury in the erection of a commonplace or unworthy one You are all proud of your city: surely you must feel it a duty in some sort to justify your pridethat is to sayto give yourselves a right to be proud of itThat you were born under the shadow of its two fantastic mountains,——that you live where from your room windows you can trace the shores of its glittering Firth , are no rightful subjects of prideYou did not raise the mountainsnor shape the shoresand the historical houses of your Canongate, and the broad battlements of your castlereflect honor upon you only through your ancestorsBefore you boast of your citybefore even you venture to call it yours, ought you not scrupulously to weigh the exact share you have had in adding to it or adorning itto calculate seriously the influence upon its aspect which the work of your own hands has exercised? I do not say that, even when you regard your city in this scrupulous and testing spirityou have not considerable ground for exultationAs far as I am acquainted with modern architectureI am aware of no streets whichin simplicity and manliness of styleor general breadth and brightness of effectequal those of the New Town of EdinburghBut yet I am well persuaded that as you traverse those streetsyour feelings of pleasure and pride in them are much complicated with those which are excited entirely by the Surrounding sceneryAs you walk up or down George Streetfor instancedo you not look eagerly for every opening to the north and southwhich lets in the lustre of the Firth of Forthor the rugged outline of the Castle Rock? Take away the seawavesand the dark basaltand I fear you would find little to interest you in George Street by itselfNow I remember a citymore nobly placed even than your Edinburghwhich, instead of the valley that you have now filled by lines of railroadhas a broad and rushing river of blue water sweeping through the heart of itwhichfor the dark and solitary rock that bears your castlehas an amphitheatre of cliffs crested with cypresses and olivewhichfor the two masses of Arthurs Seat and the ranges of the Pentlandshas a chain of blue mountains higher than the haughtiest peaks of your Highlandsand whichfor your faraway Ben Ledi and Ben Morehas the great central chain of the StGothard Alpsand yetas you go out of the gatesand walk in the suburban streets of that cityI mean Verona--the eye never seeks to rest on that external sceneryhowever gorgeousit does not look for the gaps between the housesas you do hereit may for a few moments follow the broken line of the great Alpine battlementsbut it is only where they form a background for other battlementsbuilt by the hand of manThere is no necessity felt to dwell on the blue river or the burning hillsThe heart and eye have enough to do in the streets of the city itselfthey are contented therenaythey sometimes turn from the natural sceneryas if too savage and solitaryto dwell with a deeper interest on the palace walls that cast their shade upon the streetsand the crowd of towers that rise out of that shadow into the depth of the sky   

That is a city to be proud ofindeedand it is this kind of architectural dignity which you should aim atin what you add to Edinburgh or rebuild initFor rememberyou must either help your scenery or destroy itWhatever you do has an effect of one kind or the otherit is never indifferentButabore allremember that it is chiefly by privatenot by publiceffort that your citymust be adornedIt does not matter how many beautiful public buildings you possessif they are not supported byand in harmony withthe private houses of the townNeither the mind nor the eye will accept a new collegeor a new hospitalor a new institutionfor a cityIt is the Canongateand the Princes Streetand the High Street that are EdinburghIt is in your own private houses that the real majesty of Edinburgh must consistandwhat is moreit must be by your own personal interest that the style of the architecture which rises around you must be principally guidedDo not think that you can have good architecture merely by paying for itIt is not by subscribing liberally for a large building once in forty years that you can call up architects and inspirationIt is only by active and sympathetic attention to the domestic and every day work which is done for each of youthat you can educate either yourselves to the feelingor your builders to the doingof what is truly great   

Well butyou will answeryou cannot feel interested in architectureyou do not care about itand cannot care about itI know you cannotAbout such architecture as is built now-adaysno mortal ever did or could careYou do not feel interested in hearing the same thing over and over again;——why do you suppose you can feel interested in seeing the same thing over and over a—gainwere that thing even the best and most beautiful in the world? Nowyou all know the kind of window which you usually build in Edinburghhere is an example of the head of onea massy lintel of a single stonelaid across from side to sidewith bold square-cut jambs in factthe simplest form it is possible to buildIt is by no means a bad formon the contraryit is very manly and vigorousand has a certain dignity in its utter refusal of ornamentBut I cannot say it is entertainingHow many windows precisely of this form do you suppose there are in the New Town of Edinburgh? I have not counted them all through the townbut I counted them this morning along this very Queen Streetin which your Hall isand on the one side of that streetthere are of these windowsabsolutely similar to this exampleand altogether devoid of any relief by decorationsix hundred and seventy-eight.。And your decorations are just as monotonous as your simplicitiesHow many Corinthian and Doric columns do you think there are in your banksand postofficesinstitutionsand l know not what elseone exactly like another? and yet you expect to be interested! Naybutyou will answer me againwe see sunrises and sunsetsand violets and rosesover and over againand we do not tire of themWhat! Did you ever see one sunrise like another? Does not God vary his clouds for you every morning and every night? Thoughindeedthere is enough in the disappearing and appearing of the great orb above the rolling of the worldto interest all of usone would thinkfor as many times as we shall see itand yet the aspect of it is changed for us dailyYou see violets and roses oftenand are not tired of themTrue! But you did not often see two roses alikeorif you didyou took care not to put them beside each other in the same nosegayfor fear your nosegay should be uninterestingand yet you think you can put 1 50000 square windows side by side in the same streetsand still be interested by themWhyif 1 were to say the same thing over and over againfor the single hour you are going to let me talk to youwould you listen to me? And yet you let your architects do the same thing over and over again for three centuriesand expect to be interested by their architecturewith a farther disadvantage on the side of the builderas compared with the speakerthat my wasted words would cost you but littlebut his wasted stones have cost you no small part of your incomes   

Wellbut,”you still think within yourselves,“it is not right that architecture should be interestingIt is a very grand thingthis architecturebut essentially unentertaining  It is its duty to be dullit is monotonous by lawit cannot be correct and yet amusing.”   

Believe meit is not soAll things that are worth doing in artare interesting and attractive when they are doneThere is no law of right which consecrates dulnessThe proof of a things being right isthat it has power over the heartthat it excites uswins usor helps usI do not say that it has influence over allbut it has over a large classone kind of art being fit for one classand another for anotherand there is no goodness in art which is independent of the power of pleasingYetdo not mistake meI do not mean that there is no such thing as neglect of the best artor delight in the worstjust as many men neglect natureand feed upon what is artificial and basebut I meanthat all good art has the capacity of pleasingif people will attend to itthat there is no law against its pleasingbuton the contrarysomething wrong either in the spectator or the artwhen it ceases to pleaseNowTherefore, if you feel that your present school of architecture is unattractive to youI say there is something wrongeither in the architecture or in youand I trust you will not think I mean to flatter you when I tell youthat the wrong is not in youbut in the architectureLook at this for a momentit is a window actually existing--a window of an English domestic building--a window built six hundred years agoYou will not tell me you have no pleasure in looking at thisor that you could notby any possibilitybecome interested in the art which produced itor thatif every window in your streets were of some such formwith perpetual change in their ornamentsyou would pass up and down the street with as much indifference as nowwhen your windows are of this formCan you for an instant suppose that the architect was a greater or wiser man who built thisthan he who built that? Or that in the arrangement of these dull and monotonous stones there is more wit and sense than you can penetrate? Believe methe wrong is not in youyou would all like the best things bestif you only saw themWhat is wrong in you is your tempernot your tasteyour patient and trustful temperwhich lives in houses whose architecture it takes for grantedand subscribes to public edifices from which it derives no enjoyment   

Wellbut what are we to do?you will say to mewe cannot make architects of ourselvesPardon meyou can——and you oughtArchitecture is an art for all men to learnbecause all are concerned with itand it is so simplethat there is no excuse for not being acquainted with its primary rulesanymore than for ignorance of grammar or of spellingwhich are both of them far more difficult sciencesFar less trouble than is necessary to learn how to play chessor whistor golftolerablyfar less than a schoolboy takes to win the meanest prize of the passing yearwould acquaint you with all the main principles of the construction of a Gothic cathedraland I believe you would hardly find the study less amusingBut be that as it maythere are one or two broad principles which need only be stated to be understood and acceptedand those I mean to lay before youwith your permissionbefore you leave this room










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