Henry Broan, in 1932, developed and manufactured a kitchen fan called the Motordor® Fan that provided quiet and efficient kitchen ventilation. His creation launched what is today Broan-NuTone LLC. Broan-NuTone LLC is the largest producer of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) system. Due to lts’ powerful capacity of R&D and outstanding achievement , it has been recognised as the leader in this line in the world wide.
Broan-NuTone Group is headquartered in Hartford, employs over 3,200 people in four countries, on two continents. And today it wiill dedicate itself to the production of top IAQ products for its global customers.
总部位于哈特福德的Broan-NuTone 在全球由于众多分支机构。今天的 Broan-NuTone集团将致力于为全球客户提供最好的IAQ产品。 |