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How to apply acrylic nails artificial

(2011-11-14 15:05)

How to apply acrylic nails artificial



Need to strengthen nails beauty, feminine beauty, but to achieve these goals, many women may have trouble. If nature is not wonderful strong, healthy nails bless you, you can still Personal care product enjoy the attractive appearance, long painted nails can give you. All you have to do is a strong, personal care products and your own nails, durable acrylic nails. You can find acrylic nails nail salon services hair scissor applications. This is an expensive option. It is not expensive for your own application of acrylic nails. The following instructions, barber scissors and practice, you can apply the same care and great results, safety scissor you can nail a professional acrylic nails. Supplies, you will need non-acetone nail polish remover, artificial nail tips, liquid acrylic, acrylic nail powder and oil. You need equipment, including a nail brush, nail file, safety scissors, nail filing block liquid acrylic acid, pliers, small brush and acrylic board's work. Choose acrylic nail tips, is the same size as your own nails or you will nail nipper have a nail file. Let your nails nail. Smooth rough edges and remove dead skin. Use non-acetone nail polish remover to remove nail polish and acrylic. Using the record block, nail surface roughness. Part of the skin and nail clippings. Do not hurt yourself. You want to prevent being broken, if broken acrylic nail nail clipper clippers. Line of acrylic nail tips, so you can reach them easily when you are ready to glue dropped. Drop of glue should reach the bottom of the indentation from a nail, the nail edge fit in. You can bend the acrylic nails, immediately soaked in water. Use pliers or large acrylic nail clippers cuticle pusher and cleaner pruning techniques, the length you need. Use nail file to remove any rough edges, and even the length of the nail tips. In well-ventilated place using liquid acrylic. Cuticle pushing and cleaning agents, you will be on your nails acrylic liquid paint, acrylic nail bed technique, hair extension iron smooth nail edges, you do not have any bumps. You will be immersed into the liquid acrylic acid and acrylic powder, then put your brush, will create a thick acrylic ball acrylic brush. Hair extension iron acrylic paint your nails, you can create a successful completion of acrylic nails tips. cosmetic mirror There are acrylic powder container open. Ready immersed in the liquid acrylic brush, then use paper towels to remove excess liquid acrylic brush. Then gently brush half of the immersion liquid acrylic acid, a bottle of cleaning fluid to remove excess internal. You are ready to dip his sharpener writings mirror acrylic powder. When you do, you will create a thick acrylic ball. It should be moist, not wet. This thickening of acrylic paint, acrylic nails nails. Pencil sharpener quickly spread to your nails acrylic flat surface. Brush paper towels to remove any excess acid. LCL

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