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Iran's supreme

(2011-10-17 10:34)

When the United States, to Iran's "assassination door" canada goose montebello parka accused becomes more and more complicated, Iran requirements through the consul to suspect, approach and said must firmly back western "not appropriate action".

Iran's supreme canada goose snow mantra   leader ayatollah ali ayatollah ali khamenei said: "any improper action against Iran, no matter the political or and security related, will be Iran ruthlessly hit back." He think that the United States make up the charges to be people's attention from the "occupation Wall Street" parade on the transfer away.
U.S. President barack canada goose jacket Obama said on Thursday, in Iran has on the nuclear issue, and the west, the conflicts will face the toughest sanctions, and the United States will not rule out the possibility of any for Iran.

Iran's foreign ministry summoned in Switzerland temporary do STH for sb. Because Iran in the 1979 islamic revolution and the United States, ending its temporary agency responsible for Switzerland to represent the United States in Iran's interest.

According to Iran's islamic republic radio station reported that an Iranian foreign ministry officials to Switzerland represents said: "there is no doubt that the United States to Iran's allegations are baseless."

He said: "the United States, however, have a responsibility to provide the suspect's personal information and allow us to contact his way through the consul. If the United States refused to our these requirements, it will be violated international law and not doing the responsibility of the United States government."

Iran's foreign interests in the United States by Pakistan's embassy in Washington to convey.

U.S. authorities are considering Iran's central bank to enforce stricter sanctions, this will make Iran more difficult to obtain oil exports of foreign exchange income.

The United States on the house intelligence committee chairman Mike Rogers (Mike Rogers) said: "Washington should implement the more stringent sanctions."

"We want to put pressure on China and Russia, and then tell them, 'listen, either you continue to talk to this participation in international terrorist activities, or you will be state of cooperation with the rest of the international social cooperation." he told the BBC, "this week will be. "

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