OFF Architecture(法国)
Jean Moulin High School in France
The champagne, the terraces…
When we went to the site, we found a wide and hilly landscape, following a meandering river landscape forming a broad and distant view, making it easy to breath that breathing with early morning mists and the changing colours of the seasons.
The site is a vast and undulating landscape shaped in the meanders of the Meuse, a landscape with feminine curves, that broad and stretches far. We made one WHAT?? with this great landscape, we have made in its dimension further. We are nestled in the topography and watching the magic mountain.
We wanted to install in the topography, use it in order to print the new school in its context and its landscape quality, To ensure that this constraint slope becomes the main quality in the new surroundings of the new school in Revin. Exploit the topography on the hillside ensure that every user of this new college benefits from these qualities of the site, every day all by returning to this valley a quality built spaces and natural areas in line with what exists. To develop in the slope, the pattern of movement through the uneven soft ground, the elements of the program will develop ground floor in a very precise with the slope to the panoramic view of the valley of all the spaces. In the exploitation of this model to the hillside, the new high school prints its context and its qualities. The slope constraint becomes the main quality of this new life of high school who Revin is shifting to the valley.