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Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle Ho

(2010-12-11 00:40)

Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Alain de Botton’s Living Architecture project has recently been seriously taken further with the second finalized holiday retreat. The Shingle House comes from  NORD Architecture and is located on a beautiful beach in Dungeness, Kent, England. Its exterior is covered in black shingles which alternate pleasantly with wide windows. Together with a few transparent doors, they manage to open up the house to the beach and let in spectacular views. The Shingle House has a charming and unique interior design which combines traditional elements with modern utilities. The timber additions make for a warm and relaxing atmosphere while tasteful colorful details bring a happy tone.  All-equipped, this holiday home can accommodate up to 8 people and is perfect for a large family, whose members will not have to worry about leaving something behind. -via Dezeen


Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 01.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 21.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 20.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 06.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 05.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 04.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 03.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England


Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 11.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 10.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 09.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 08.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 07.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 17.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 16.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 15.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 14.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England
Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 12.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 19.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 18.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

Freshome Shingle House NORD Architecture 13.jpg Inviting Holiday Home by the Beach: The Shingle House in England

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