Shanghai Expo 2010: Here are more images of the six shortlisted designs for the British pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 2010 (see previous story) plus, further down the story, text describing each one. Above: The Pavilion of Ideas by Heatherwick Studio, Casson Mann, Adams Kara Taylor & Atelier Ten.
Above: Our Island by draw Architects & dcm studios, Graven Images, Ove Arup & Partners Ltd/Arup International Consultants (Shanghai) Co Ltd, Botanical Society Of Scotland
Ribbon of Culture by EIGHT: John McAslan + Partners, Brisac Gonzalez, Carmody Groarke, Nord Architecture, Project Orange, Surface Architects, Wordsearch, Arup
Above: Sharing Innovations, Engaging Nations by Marks Barfield Architects/Imagination Limited, Price & Myers Consulting Engineers/Arup
The Network Pavilion by Zaha Hadid Architects, Arup, Metstudio and the Architectural Association School of Architecture Curatorial Projects
Above: “Better city: Better Life” by Avery Associates & Sidell Gibson, Event Communications, Fulcrum Consulting, Adams Kara Taylor, DHA Design Services, William Pye, Clyde Malby