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博客:14 篇



(2008-04-15 16:07)
      I had a dream again last night,a totally unreasonable ,complex and mixed up dream.
   First I dreamed of myself waiting for bus at the side of my school mainroad,with many people sitting along. There was a girl sitting at the opposite side who was seemingly fond of music and started singing a song,then all the opposite side persons sang with her spontaneously,just like a chorus.Later my attention was attracted to a young boy and his peasant father.This boy is kind of abnormal.He liked biting,and I was unfortunatly becoming his target.He kept bitting my arms.but it didn't hurt.I found his purpose was just to show off his sharp little white incisors in front of me.the funny thing was his father had two big white incisors,too.I believe his family must be proud of that......
    Then my cousin suddenly appeared in my dream.He became a cleaner of my school. The tool he used to clean the streets is not brooms,but a powerful squirt gun,kind of the one firefighters used.Such kind of sweeping was so interesting ,wasn't it? So I asked my counsin for another squirt gun. we squirted at roads and the gun was so powerful and could reach the spot at least 50 meters away.many students at the gun's reaching spot was just like suffering a rainstorm(hahaha....)and dust,leaves and plastic bags all kind of light weight flew into the air mixed up with the water. I was so excited (haha)and cleaned away up to a small and remote road.But suddenly and weirdly the end of the water pillar of my gun was stuck in the jungle at the end of the road.I tried as hard as i could to get it out,but i failed.Finally,my cousin caught me,with his professional knowledge,he managed to pull my gun out.
    I turned back to the mainroad,and the little boy and his father were still there,while others disappeared.I found there was a tall street lamp posted at the crossing of the roads.the boy pressed a button at the lower position,then at the top of the lamp spouted out several shining stars.So with my usual curiosity,i was tempted to have a try.Yes it was so funny,at each of my pressing,the lamp spouted out countless shining stars,like fireworks.But at last,I found myself trapped,the boy asked me for money for each star,which annoyed me a lot.I left in anger with a sentence--no money!
    escaped from that boy and his daddy, I came into a house where my sister-in-law and her family were staying,having supper together.I had a great meal there. then I woke up and found myself even more hungry.
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